Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Of the synchronicity of beast and fowl, but mostly, plant.

How do they manage it? If all the other trees decided to get leaves at the same time every year, I think I would purposefully avoid blooming then. (I murmur this opinion from that parallel universe where I am a plant, by-the-by). Somehow human uniformity and conformity makes me squiggle around in my seat, gerbil-nearby-trying-to-get-in. Yet with plants it is miracle, it is miracle and fire and reminder and promise, all of these things, when their symphony of colours and fabrics pulls out bow and arrow at the same time, together.

1 comment:

  1. This is so true. If you were a tree and an entire forest had bloomed, you would sit there for at least a week, waiting, just to be stubborn. Then you'd make some grand entrance, and all the animals in the forest would flock to you, like in a Disney movie...

    Then I would come along with my trusty axe...
